Anxiety Treatment Gold Coast

How To Treat Anxiety

At Eternal Balance Mind and Body Wellbeing, we specialise in treating anxiety. Anxiety Treatment at our Gold Coast wellbeing clinic incorporates the use of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy to promote positive change. These modalities are highly effective at lowering anxiety and as a consequence your anxiety levels will no longer interfere with your daily life, goals and dreams. 

In short, our anxiety treatment is so effective you’ll forget you were ever an anxious person. Moreover, you’ll be free to do and achieve whatever you want in life, but now in the relaxed and serene manner, you always dreamed of. The next step to becoming anxiety free is up to you. If you want help with your anxiety, to take control back of your life, or simply want to find out more about Anxiety Treatment Gold Coast, contact us today. 

Natural Anxiety Treatment

Do you suffer from excessive worry that’s difficult to manage? Do you become overwhelmed in situations, that do not appear to bother others? Don’t let that anxiety control your life any longer! At Eternal Balance Mind and Body Wellbeing our anxiety treatment is a natural and 100% drug-free way to reduce your anxiety and reclaim your quality of life. 

Hypnotherapy For Anxiety

It is very difficult to think your way out of anxiety and its cause, at a conscious level. Fortunately, there are permanent anxiety treatment options. One of the most effective treatments for anxiety is hypnotherapy. What makes hypnotherapy such an effective anxiety treatment, is that it treats the underlying cause of your anxiety. 

Anxiety exists as an automatic response of your subconscious mind. Therefore, to overcome anxiety, we need to treat it at the level of the mind where it actually exists: the subconscious. When we access the subconscious, through Hypnosis, we can reprogram the subconscious mind and how it reacts to certain stimuli. This is what makes hypnotherapy and psychotherapy so much more effective than any other therapy to change anxious thoughts and feelings.

Anxiety Treatment Costs

Our fees page provides further details on the cost of our Anxiety Treatment Gold Coast therapy. 

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is something everyone experiences when faced with stressful situations. It is an unpleasant emotion that many of us feel when something is risky, unknown or frightening. Anxiety is also felt when we face a situation that we have had an unpleasant experience with before.  This kind of anxiety is normal and is our body’s way of preparing us to act in difficult situations as part of the fight or flight response. 

Anxiety can actually help us perform better by revving us up and helping us feel alert. Yet, anxiety becomes a problem if it is too intense, happens all the time, feels overwhelming, or it interferes with daily living. When this occurs it is important to seek out anxiety treatment.

Words Describing Anxiety Symptoms and Signs

Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks can occur very unexpectedly without any signs or signals. Although there are techniques and steps you can take to manage anxiety, these are temporary solutions that assist in managing the symptoms, rather than addressing the underlying cause or problem.

What Does Anxiety Feel Like?

Anxiety Symptoms

Do you regularly feel anxious, stressed, uptight, nervous, frazzled, tense, worried or hassled? Are you experiencing panic attacks, uncontrollable emotions, nauseousness, or obsessive thoughts or behaviours in certain situations or environments?  These symptoms of an anxiety disorder, are very unpleasant and can be challenging to manage.

Other signs and symptoms of anxiety include:

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

Pounding heart, blushing, rapid shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, sweating, shaking, nausea, choking, stomach pains and rapid heartbeat.

Behavioural Symptoms of Anxiety

Avoiding situations, distress in social situations, increased use of alcohol and other drugs and obsessive-compulsive behaviour;

Thought Patterns of an Anxious Person

Excessive worry about past or future events, mind racing or going blank, trouble making decisions, Trouble concentrating and paying attention, and vivid dreams.

Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety

Unrealistic fear, anger, impatience, confusion, feeling on edge and irritability.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are not only characterised by distressing, persistent anxiety but also often by the dysfunctional behaviours that reduce that anxiety. There are a number of ways that anxiety displays itself and it is not uncommon for a person to have more than one anxiety disorder. Some of the most common anxiety disorders include: 

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

In what is called a general anxiety disorder a suffer experiences excessive anxiety and worry about several events or activities and has trouble controlling feelings about them. Worrying is the dominant characteristic and suffer will usually be restless, Keyed up, irritable, have difficulty sleeping and difficulty concentrating and usually exhibit muscle tension which can itself be very tiring.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

The onset of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) usually occurs after a person experiences, or witnesses, a very traumatic event beyond their control and which involved actual or threatened death or serious physical harm or abuse. The person felt helpless, intense fear and horror and has intrusive repeat images, hallucinations, feelings of recurrence of the event together with the psychological stresses that go with it. There is very strong avoidance of cues and triggers, repression of memories, a feeling of isolation and numbing of emotions as well as a serious lack of meaning to life. There may be considerable resentment and anger.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be described as recurring thoughts, impulses, obsessions with intrude into awareness and require time wasting actions (repetitions,  checking, counting, repeating words, etc) to quell the anxiety. These actions can take up an inordinate amount of time in an individuals day.

Specific Anxiety

A strong persistent fear that is realised by the sufferer but is judged to be unreasonable. Normally the individual avoids it if possible or endure it with distress it may be excessive in that it interferes with normal functioning. Included is flying, thunderstorms, blood, heights etc.

Panic Disorder

The term Panic disorder is used to describe the condition when a person experiences out-of-the-blue panic attacks. Panic attacks occur unexpectedly, sometimes even waking a person from their sleep. The disorder also creates a fear of a recurring attack which can last up to a month or more. Additionally, Panic disorders create significant changes in a person’s behaviour. Often this is due to a person’s avoidance towards activities that could trigger another panic attack (such as avoiding exercise because an increased heart rate might trigger an attack).


If a person is suffering from Agoraphobia they tend to avoid situations or places. When the sufferer endures them it is often with distress and in many cases they require a companion for support. Sometimes the fear is focused on help not being available if something happens. Other times on how to escape from the place itself.

Health Anxiety

Health anxiety in one form or another this is a very common also and often coincides with a sudden recognition of physical vulnerability (after an accident, heart attack, serious illness, etc). Characteristically the sufferer misinterprete bodily signals, becoming very sensitive to media reports and generally fears that it is inevitable that they will come down with some terrible illness. They constantly seek medical reassurance, which is initially satisfying but does not last. There are certain avoidance and safety behaviours which are often common to other forms of anxiety.

Social Anxiety

Do you worry about what other people are thinking about you? are you uncomfortable in public places and feel the people are staring at you wherever you go? If you are feeling afraid to leave the house and socialise because it makes your heart pound and you are sweating, shaking and saying to yourself that it’s the end of the world (catastrophising)? You are most likely experiencing social phobia a form of anxiety that can be is really quickly and easily cured. If you want to feel relaxed in social situations without a worry in the world, we can help. At Eternal Balance, our Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy and WRT Program will alleviate your social anxiety and change your life for the better.

Managing Anxiety

5-4-3-2-1 Anxiety Grounding Technique

The following 5-4-3-2-1 Anxiety Grounding Technique is a helpful and immediate anxiety treatment you can do on the spot. Following five simple steps you can significantly reduce your symptoms when anxiety hits. This anxiety treatment works to help focus your attention away from your anxious thoughts and feelings. As a result, it helps to stop the onset of an anxiety attack. 

5. Look around to find FIVE things you can see around you.

4. Acknowledge FOUR things you can touch around you.

3. Identify THREE things you can hear.

2. Recognise TWO things you can smell.

1. Identify ONE thing you can taste.

These 5 simple steps of the Anxiety Grounding Technique are the simplest way to ground yourself in the here and now! Take you out of your head and help stop you flooded thoughts. In cognitive behavioural therapy, it is believed that your thoughts are directly connected to how you feel. With anxiety, although we have a tendency to feel like we are losing control of our thought processes, we all have the needed tools to help us get back a sense of control and experience healthier thought patterns. In moments of tension or triggered trauma, it is necessary to remain present-focused to help find symptom relief. Hopefully, this grounding technique will assist you or somebody you know to stay present, keep grounded, and remain healthy.

How to Deal With Anxiety Symptoms

Here are some other simple tips that you can take that will help you to manage and deal with the symptoms of anxiety:.

Manage Anxiety With Your Mind

  • Learn what triggers your anxiety.
  • Remember any feelings you experience when stressed are not harmful, just unpleasant.
  • Notice what is happening to you and try not to think about what you fear might happen.
  • Try not to fight your feelings, rather wait for the feelings to pass.
  • Notice when feelings begin to fade away.
  • focus on how well you will be when you feel better.
  • When you begin to feel better, focus on your surroundings and start to plan your next steps.
  • When you are ready to go on, start off in an easy, relaxed way.
  • Let time pass and remember that as you learn to relax you will have more good days and less bad ones.

Manage Anxiety With Your Body

  • Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol, as they can aggravate your anxiety.
  • Drink plenty of water – to keep your body well hydrated.
  • It is important to eat healthy well-balanced meals, ensuring not to skip any meals.
  • Get plenty of sleep – at least 8 hours per night.
  • Exercise daily – it will help you feel good and maintain your health.

Where to Find Anxiety Treatment

Whether you are suffering from symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks, phobias or a medication free solution, our Anxiety Treatment Gold Coast therapy will help you. If you happen to live outside of the Gold Coast, we can provide online therapy sessions using Skype or Zoom. Please contact us to find out more.

We would love to help you become anxiety free!